
The fundamental view of Vedic Art is that we all have great creative power and knowledge within ourselves from birth. Painting is an important tool for developing these inner resources so that they can be used in a concrete way in life and in art. An important part of the method is 'The Seventeen Vedic Principles of Art and Life'. They have been developed to focus on artistic freedom, the creative process and human life. Curt Källman learned the names of the Principles in 1974 from the Indian meditation teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Curt Källman developed the content and pedagogical approach of the Vedic Art Method in the 1970s and 1980s. The word 'Vedic' comes from the Indian Sanskrit word 'Veda', which means knowledge or wisdom.

Basic course I Vedic Art:

During the 6-day basic course I, you will be verbally presented 17 Vedic principles. These form the basis of Vedic Art. See Agenda, for practical information. The 17 principles show you the way to your inner knowledge about how you want to paint. This means that artistic knowledge that you have acquired outside yourself in the past is not necessary to create with Vedic Art. Also, with Vedic Art you do not necessarily work towards a specific result. Your art is created under your hands. That is why it is always an intimate, sometimes moving encounter with yourself, and a surprising journey of discovery that you make with yourself. Because we work in silence and there is no performance, exchange about your experiences, or comparison during these course days, it is easier to create, with openness and trust in the process.

Teacher Vedic Art basic course I

Because of my interest in being creative and colorful, preferably in a meaningful and liberating way,  I found Vedic Art about 7 years ago. I was immediately affected. Several desires of my soul coincided in this form of creativity. For that reason I stayed with it and became a teacher in 2022. I can now teach the Vedic Art basic course I.

For whom and how

The course is open to anyone who is interested, including children around aged 6 and over. Here, the Vedic Art basic course I is given in small groups of 3-5 people, or individually. Depending on the weather inside or outside. The basic course I lasts 6 days from approximately 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This period was chosen because it provides an opportunity for deepening and stillness in creating. The course days largely take place in silence and at your own place.

Supplies that you bring with you:
Simple sketch paper or pad
Colored pencils (optional)
Pastel chalk is allowed, but not mandatory
Acrylic paint: black, white and at least 5 colors that you like
4 canvases of at least 50x60
At least 1 small painting canvas
2 large canvases of approximately 60x80
You can also choose acrylic paper instead of canvas
Brushes for acrylic: 2 thick, 3 intermediate, 2 thin, and possibly whatever else you have.
Kitchen sponges
Paper towel or rag
Palette or old plate
Adhesive tape (if you are going to work on paper)
Apron or old shirt
Course costs
The cost of the six-day Vedic Art I beginner course is E350 in a group or E425 alone. When we need to heat the workshop, you will pay a little more, it would be E30,- (between September-May it is colder here).
More information:
It is possible to follow the Vedic Art Basic course for 6 days, i.e. 2 x 3 days.
I offer the possibility of coming at any time of the year. You can ask me and I will research the possibilities. At Sweet Silence, the Vedic Art Base/Initiation course can be taken individually or in small groups of 3 to 5 people. As your inner artistic process is central to Vedic Art, there is no need to participate in a group. During the course we offer you accommodation. For friends or couples there is a small house. There are 2 bedrooms with private entrance, a spacious and neat caravan, and two tents. There are also several options nearby for an overnight stay. Look at Accomodatie and Prijzen